
Greetings Fly Fishing in Salt Waters fans!

I hope that you all have been enjoying the print magazine lately. We’ve been putting in a lot of time trying to make it the best salt-specific fly-fishing magazine around. Lucky for us it’s the only one of its kind. As pleased as I have been with our print product, I’ve been very unhappy with the blogs on The biggest problem with the blog section is – there haven’t been ANY blogs lately. Who’s fault is it? Yours truly. I truly apologize, I’ve dropped the ball, what else can I say? I’ve got nobody to blame but myself. It’s so easy for me to get tunnel vision when dealing with the day to day of putting out our print magazine, shooting /editing fly tying videos and being on the road blogging often takes a back seat.

Another reason for the lack of blogs on is – I’m still a little unsure as to what a good blog is. I realize being an editor and admitting this might not put me in the best light but I’m just trying to be honest and that’s what I’m going to try and do in all my blogs from here on out. Some might make you laugh, some might make you learn and some might even make you mad. I’m going to do my best to be consistent (Monday afternoons) and give fly anglers a reason to follow. So, stay tuned and join as I try and learn what the perfect fly-fishing blog is.

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