My boat is a Steiger Craft 23-foot Chesapeake Sport Cabin with plenty of room in the cockpit for fishing. I had plenty of room to work, but nothing to work on, so I designed this workstation with storage. After much thought, I came up with a design, to be built out of StarBoard ((941) 493-5502; http://www.kingstarboard.com), that had two large storage boxes and a work table with a lidded bait box at each end, and places to secure my knives, pliers and fishing towel. Before cutting the pieces, I made templates for all the parts out of foamcore. The storage boxes have Bomar hatches, removable rod holders and 1/2″ thick StarBoard walls through-bolted to aluminum angle. I mounted the boxes to the floor and the transom on a bed of adhesive caulk with screws through aluminum angle inside the boxes. The table has a 1/4″ thick Corian cutting board and is supported with aluminum square tubing through-bolted to both the tabletop and the storage boxes. I designed the table to stand slightly forward of the storage boxes to allow the outboard room to tilt up. Underneath the table, I added a splashboard with scuppers to allow for drainage. Total cost of materials for the workstation was $700 and worth every penny.
Frank Frasco, Closter, New Jersey