Step 1. Level hook in vise in standard position and tie in white thread al beginning of shank bend. Attach 4 to 8 strands of white/pearl Krystal Flash then wrap thread forward 1/3rd length of shank. Coat wraps with lacquer then spin strands of Krystal Flash together into a rope and wrap over white thread base. Tie down and clip off excess Flash. Tie off and clip white thread.

Step 2. **Tie in red thread at forward end of white Flash segment then tie on approx. 10 eight inch strands of red Krystal Flash leaving 1/2 inch dangling to simulate gill strands. Wrap red thread forward to 3/16ths inch from hook eye then use same technique as before to wrap red Flash forward. Tie off and clip red excess red Flash and thread then coat entire shank wrappings heavily with lacquer and set aside to dry. The thick lacquer coat greatly increases durability and light refraction but if you don’t allow enough drying time the body fibers tend to gum up the whole job.

Step 3. **Remount hook in vise and tie in red thread at location you cut it off from before doing lacquer coat. Clip off and comb out a length of white fibers for the body’s belly. Cut this length equal to the desired finished fly’s length plus the length of the red-wrapped segment of hook shank. Use scissors to square off the forward end of the bundle evenly then place bundle on top of shank with front end of bundle extending past hook eye the same length as are the red Krystal Flash shank wraps. Tie down firmly with red thread then tie in white/pearl Lite-Brite on each upper side of white body fibers. Fan out and flatten horizontally the short clump of fibers extending forward from the hook eye and divide evenly into two bunches spread away from each other. Apply a drop of head cement to the top of the red thread wrap anchor point then fold each forward wing back to the side and after checking for evenness tie down folded back with red thread. Whip finish, cut thread free and apply head cement.

Step 4. **Tie on gray thread to remaining 1/8th inch of shank behind eye. Use same approach as with step 3 to mount gray fiber body back on top of belly materials. Tie on silver/pearl Lite-Brite strands then divide, fold back and tie down forward gray fibers to form head. Whip finish, comb and fluff to shape and apply head cement.

**Step 5. **Remove fly from vise and after combing and flattening aft body use scissors to trim fibers into a tapered form. Best results come from cutting from tail towards head.

**Step 6. **Apply stick on eyes using a thin film of gel-type superglue. Don’t press eyes on hard or glue will deform shape of head permanently. Do a final trim of any loose or unsightly fibers then go fool some fish.