
Redfish Flies

Redfish flies

Most of the time redfish feed opportunistically. That means if it looks like food, they’re going to try it. In general, you want a small number of patterns but a wide variety of sizes, colors and sink rates within those patterns.


Carry them in sizes 4, 2 and 1. Some small ones should be weighted only with small bead-chain eyes while a couple of large ones should have 1/24-ounce eyes.


Redfish simply adore crabs, and the Merkin pattern is popular and durable.


Quite popular in some areas, shrimp often appear in complicated patterns - I've never found one worth the trouble of tying, and I don't carry any. They certainly work, however, so if you like them, stick a few in your box.


Deer-hair or foam poppers last longer than cork, but the fish don't show a preference. Carry a small selection in sizes 4 to 1/0.


 Some fly fishers swear by fly-rod spoons. While I generally prefer using flies, I've had excellent success with the Dupre Spoonfly.  

If you fish for really big reds found in many areas such as Florida’s Indian River Lagoon, you’ll want a bigger fly and heavier tackle. In this case, 3/0 weighted minnow imitations such as Seaducers and Deceivers work well. A mullet imitation that’s deadly on occasion: Popovic’s Siliclone fly.
With a variety of different sizes and sink rates, you can fish effectively in different depths of water. You should have a selection of colors too: Popular choices include chartreuse-and-white, tan-and-white and black. Rust-and-orange is popular in the Carolinas.
