
New Report Shows Economic Importance and Impact of Outdoor Recreation Industry

Highlights the significance of this often overlooked sector as a pillar of the U.S. economy

The Outdoor Industry Association’s new report, The Outdoor Recreation Economy, shines a spotlight on the importance of outdoor recreation for the nation’s economy. For the members of the American Fly Fishing Trade Association, it reinforces the simple equation that drives our industry; access to healthy habitat creates recreational opportunity that creates economic activity.

According to OIA’s Outdoor Recreation Economy report, more than 140 million Americans engage in outdoor activities each year, directly delivering $646 billion to the economy and supporting 6.1 million domestic jobs.

“While the money that’s spent on gear and equipment is certainly significant, the real economic impact occurs when people get outside and use the equipment that they’ve bought,” said Jim Klug, AFFTA Chairman and Co-Owner of Yellow Dog Fly Fishing Adventures during an interview on National Public Radio’s broadcast of Marketplace Morning Report.


The study notes that for every dollar spent on gear and vehicles, an estimated four dollars is spent on trips and travel. That spending directly supports professions like guides, outfitters, lodges and many more small business owners.

AFFTA is part of a business-led coalition championing a national outdoor recreation system and recreation infrastructure. The study shows that the outdoor industry can continue to produce jobs and significant economic activity if our nation’s land and water is managed as a system designed to sustain this economic engine.

“Investing in public lands conservation is good for our industry and a smart national economic strategy. Congress and the Administration should invest more, not less, in our lands and waters. Our economic future depends on it,” said Ben Bulis, AFFTA’s General Manager.


To download a full copy of the report, please visit

—Source: AFFTA
