
May-June 2005

On the cover: Judith O'Keefe displays a bonefish pulled from the mangroves of Mayaguana in the Bahamas. Photo by Brian O'Keefe.


Smack in the Middle
by Scott Leon
Mangrove Cay Club offers easy   access to Andros’ Middle Bight.
The Bucktail Deceiver
**by Lefty Kreh
A new twist on an old favorite.
**Shrimpin’ for Weakies

by Capt. Gene Quigley
Summer brings the tiderunners to the mid-Atlantic coast.
Using Your Head
**by Jon B. Cave
Making sense of fly-line tapers.
**Rhode Trip

by Nick Curcione
This small state offers fly-rodders big opportunities.

Breaking Tradition
Five unique watercraft designed to get you into shallow water.
