Also called side-mount or Palm Beach controls, the new Sportfish controls from Cummins MerCruiser Diesel fulfill the needs of captains who prefer to have one throttle/shift lever on each side of the console to control the corresponding engine and drive. This type of control is most popular on twin-engine sportfish boats operated by hardcore offshore anglers. This configuration allows the captain to turn around and see what the fish and angler are doing and at the same time operate the boat. Smooth shifting and proportional throttle response with adjustable friction for a customized feel. And because there are no mechanical cables to bind or wear, there’s no unpredictable lag and the controls and cables are maintenance free for life. They also come with a dash-mounted DTS control pad – the same key pad that is found in the center of a typical cmd dts. Sportfish controls can be built right in to new boats and can also be retrofitted into many boats that have the appropriate console arrangement and CMD engines equipped with SmartCraft 2.2 architecture. For more information visit www.cmdmarine.com.