FFSW is in the marshes of Venice for some world-class redfishing...
John Frazier
Updated: October 20, 2011
__ Just got back from a short stay in Venice, Louisiana, where we initially joined SFTV and Capt. Greg Dini of flywaterexpeditions.com for some big redfish action. After prodcution wrapped up, I fished with Capt. Nick Sassic of mosquitolagoonflyfishing.com. Just as always, the fishing was outstanding. Here’s a few shots from the last two days of fishing! PHOTO: Spent the first part of the day throwing poppers to smaller reds. They were all over them!John Frazier
Just missed the photo of a redfish blowing up a popper.
John Hallberg holds up his first redfish of the day.John Frazier
Fighting a good size red in the marsh.John Frazier
Capt. Nick Sassic prepares to release a hefty Venice redfish.John Frazier
Up close with a Louisiana redfishJohn Frazier
Capt. Nick Sassic’s biggest redfish of the day.John Frazier
When conditions are right, the orangey/red color of the fish can be seen from a great distance.John Frazier
Venice redfish prior to release.John Frazier
John Hallberg prepares to release a big redfish.John Frazier
John Hallberg fights his biggest redfish of the day that he hooked on a huge sand flat.John Frazier
Pulling a Louisiana redfish from the water to remove the hook.John Frazier
John Hallberg’s huge redfish he caught on a sand flat in Venice, Louisiana.John Frazier