
Tying the Beach Bug

Tying the Beach Bug

Tying the Beach Bug

Step 1: Cover the entire shank with thread and tie a small clump of orange wool at the approximate level of the point of the hook. Add a few strands of copper Crystal Flash. Al Quattrocchi
Tying the Beach Bug

Tying the Beach Bug

Step 2: Tie in a small grizzly hackle on each side, and then coat the wraps with some head cement. Cut two pieces of Sili-legs approximately 2 inches in length. Fold them around your thread and tie them in on the top of the shank. Fold them back, wrap over them a few times to secure, then cement. Al Quattrocchi
Tying the Beach Bug

Tying the Beach Bug

Step 3: Tie in the lead eyes using a series of figure-eight wraps, then put a bead of Zap-a-Gap on them to keep them from turning on the shank. Al Quattrocchi
Tying the Beach Bug

Tying the Beach Bug

Step 4: Turn the fly over. Wrap your thread back to the original tie-in point and tie in the Estaz. Wrap the Estaz around the shank to the back of the lead eyes, then bring the thread in front of the eyes. Al Quattrocchi
Tying the Beach Bug

Tying the Beach Bug

Step 5: Cut a sparse amount of squirrel tail to just short of the length of the fly and tie it in front of the eyes. Take a few additional wraps around the hair behind the eyes as well so that the squirrel lies down properly, and tie off. Al Quattrocchi
Tying the Beach Bug

Tying the Beach Bug

Step 6: Trim the Sili-legs so they don’t wrap around the shank and foul. Finish the thread wraps with one coat of epoxy. Al Quattrocchi