Step 1: Wrap thread one-fourth of the way down the hook shank. At this point take 10 turns around the hook shank with lead wire and then wrap over it with thread, and glue to secure. Tie in a medium bunch of purple Fishair just behind the wraps of lead wire allowing it to extend about 4 to 5 inches past the bend of the hook, and secure with glue. Lightly coat the Fishair with Softex starting at the tie-in point, continuing to about 1 inch past the hooks bend to keep the Fishair from fouling.Michael Cardente
Tying the PTW Squid
Step 2: Take a clump of pink Fishair similar in size to the amount of purple used in the previous step but slightly shorter in length and divide it into four equal portions. Tie in one bundle of pink Fishair directly on the top of the lead wire. It should extend about 2 inches past the hooks bend. Repeat on both sides and the bottom, and glue thoroughly to secure.Michael Cardente
Tying the PTW Squid
Step 3: Cut a 5-inch piece of EZ Body, slide it over the eye of the hook and tie it in just in front of the pink Fishair so that the open end of the tube faces the opposite direction from the Fishair. Tie off the braided material securely, whip-finish, cut the thread and glue to secure.Michael Cardente
Tying the PTW Squid
Step 4: Push the EZ Body back over the shank of the hook and Fishair so that it folds over itself. Continue until the EZ Body is about even with the middle of the barb of the hook.Michael Cardente
Tying the PTW Squid
Step 5: Tie off the EZ Body behind the eye of the hook and flatten and adjust it to your liking. Trim off the EZ Body in front of the hooks eye and remove the excess. Wrap over it with thread, tie off and glue to secure. For the eyes add a drop of glue to the back of two plastic eyes and place one on each side of the pink Fishair just past the bend in the hook. Push them down until they touch the purple Fishair underneath.Michael Cardente