C.M. Qwek from Singapore asks: I noticed you grip yourrod close to the reel, palming the reel in fact. My problem is thatI tend to rotate my rod during the backcast. Will gripping the rodclose to the reel help?
Lefty: I often slide my hand close to the reel on the rodhandle when making a longer cast – and I can’t honestly tell youwhy. However, I try to never twist my wrist.
I teach that the angler should start the backcast with the thumbbehind the rod handle from the target, whether it is a verticalcast or a side cast. Then never twist the wrist during the entirecast. To move from the side to the vertical cast or vice versa, youmove the forearm to the desired angle. Twisting the wrist duringthe cast is a major problem that results in inefficientcasting.