A field of 12 anglers and their guides fished the 2003 Women’sWorld Invitational Fly Championship – Bonefish Series September 29- October 2. When the points were tallied, Donna Anderson ofIslamorada, Florida was on top.
Fishing with Capt. Tim Klein, Anderson had two weight fish (8lbs. 9 oz. and 11 lb. 4 oz.) for 1,511 points along with sixreleased bonefish for a total of 2,711 points to take thetournament’s Grand Champion award. Anderson also took HeaviestBonefish and Daily High Awards on two days, and was a member of thewinning Red Team.
Suzan Baker, also of Islamorada and fishing with Capt. DavidBorras, had one weight fish (8 lbs. 8 oz.) for 520 points and tworeleases for a total of 920 points, earning her Runner-Up honors.The pair also won the Early Bird Award with the first fish of theTournament and the first day’s Daily High.
Linda Ullian of Knoxville, Texas, fishing with Capt. JeffJohnson, had one weight fish (10 lbs. 4 oz.) for 756 points earningher 2nd Runner-Up.
Red Team finished as the Top Team with 3,467 points. The teamwas comprised of Amy Knowles/Billy Knowles; Linda Ullian/JeffJohnson; Sue Moret/Craig Brewer; and Donna Anderson/Tim Klein.
Next year’s tournament kicks off on October 5, with fishing onOctober 6-8. To participate in the 2004 event, contact Suzan Baker305-664-2080; keyfish@mindspring.com, orMarybeth Klein 305-852-1512; kleinfishfry@aol.com.