This month the focus has been on Redfish. Trout is closed in February so every one caught “by mistake” has been released. We’re also catching quite a few Black Drum and Sheepshead. The Spanish Mackerel have been a no show due to the cooler water & air temperatures but we look forward to their arrival because the Pompano won’t be far behind! Most years February & March are kind of a wash for local fishing guides but interest seems to be up quite a bit and the fishing hasn’t been bad at all. Ed Parrish from Padukah Kentucky saw schools of up to 200 Redfish when he fished with Capt. Chris on 2/7. Ward & Chris fished together 2/8 & 2/9 while the warm weather held and found the Redfish on the flats – 12 or so on Fly & 8 to 10 on light tackle Feb. 8th. 30 Reds total on 2/9. Capt. Chad had a group of 3 young ladies from Tennessee on board March 10th & 11th. Robin, Emery & Allison caught 20 to 30 Redfish a day and also reeled in Black Drum & Sheepshead (see website photo gallery for new photos). Robin’s Dad fished with Chris and caught a 9-pound Red on a 6-weight fly rod – let’s just say he is a little more favorable towards redfish now. Tony from New York & his friends fished a half day with Chad & hooked into one of his “Secret Redfish Holes”. He looks happy about it, doesn’t he?
Tommy & I braved the foggy conditions on 2/15 to get his new Hell’s Bay 18′ Guide wet. I haven’t actually tried to see through pea soup, but on the Apalachicola River from the Battery Park Marina to the train trestle you could barely make out both sides of the riverbank – only to emerge from the fog into a bright sunshiny day. The cruise up the Intercoastal waterway through Lake Wimico to the Port St. Joe Marina was such a joy after 3 days of fog, as was our lunch at the Dockside Cafe. (You gotta try it!) Yesterday the fog lifted with the colder weather & wind. Capt. Chad & Capt. Junior Holland fished with the Kline Wedding party yesterday and of their 40 plus fish, 20 were Redfish 18 to 24 inches long. Tommy & Chris left this morning for their annual Everglades fishing trip. They are renting a house this year in Everglades City that Tommy has deemed “Perfect”! (I have the phone number for those of you booked with them there) Tommy fished the Glades last week with Mike McLoad where he caught up to 8 Snook on fly a day from 28″ to 40″ plus he jumped a Tarpon! I guess February is NOT too early to fish the glades. I’ll be here with nothing to do but read my email and answer the phone (and let the dogs out) so please keep in touch.
Kathy Robinson
Robinson Brothers Guide Service
152 17th St. ~ Apalachicola, FL 32320