Yellowfin Yachts bears the undeniable imprint of its founder and president, Wylie Nagler, known for his pledge of personal responsibility for the standout quality of every boat his company ships.
That goes from Yellowfin’s smallest boat, a 17-foot skiff, to its largest, a 42-foot offshore center-console. Each is a high-performance fishing platform, custom-built of the highest-grade materials and products, and skillfully assembled.
Although built in Florida, Yellowfin boats clearly show Carolina Outer Banks design influences, with wide flares and high bows. On stepped hulls, they leap onto plane.
For over 20 years, Yellowfin has been a leader in offshore boats; it’s more recently achieved inshore success and prestige as well. Those who know Yellowfins call them solid, fast, spacious and flexible.

Yellowfin 39 Offshore
This massive center-console boat, Yellowfin’s second-largest, welcomes the family aboard for a safe, comfortable weekend outing, but just as readily fields a hard-charging team’s run at the tournament prize.
The company calls the 39 Offshore “built for ultimate performance when the weather refuses to cooperate.” It’s designed for triple or quad outboards which, drawing from a 564-gallon fuel supply, put distant fishing grounds within reach.
The 39’s generous 11-foot-6-inch beam creates a spacious fishing platform that’s poised for entertaining as well, with such comfort touches as a stand-up head and shower within its console. It’s Yellowfin-trademark stepped hull produces a smooth, dry and swift ride.
The boat’s 165-gallon macerated fish box—like everything else about the 39—is big, well-appointed, and ready for fish. Two livewells—72-gallon in the transom and 80-gallon in the leaning post—meet the stated needs of 96 percent of CC survey respondents. Expect even bigger catches? A South Beach coffin box is an option.
Six gunwale-mounted rod holders are ready aft (those alone meeting the requests of 68 percent of respondents), with six more forward within the gunwales.
Other options include a leaning post with jump seats; hardtop, dual or marlin tower; hull and trim colors, forward seating and bolsters; and additional rod holders.
Survey Says: On Target
⋅Abundant fish storage—standard and options
⋅Seaworthiness and performance clearly a high priority
⋅Baitwells and rod holders exceed expectations
Owners Say
⋅Expert layout, quality
⋅Perfect boat and setup: fishing, sandbar, cruising—wow!
⋅Nothing beats a Yellowfin
Brand Says
⋅Incredible acceleration, fuel economy, and eye-watering top end
⋅Sheer number of tasks it does well
⋅Unmatched attention to detail
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