Blue skies and sunshine has been a rarity around Casco Bay, Maine in weeks past. However, the soggy weather has finally started to subside and sight fishing has been awesome!! There have been a lot of over the slot size stripers around – most of which have been eating good. Lately, there have been a lot of big baits in the rivers like alewives and blue back herring and mackerels have been blitzing all over the place on small atlantic herring. The Kennebec River has been coming around depending on the weather. As long as it’s fairly stable/consistent, the striper fishing has been good. Beach anglers are also starting to see some action off of Popham. The fishing along the coast of Maine is only going to get better and better as the summer moves on so book your trips soon! For more information visit Capt. Eric Wallace at www.coastalflyangler.com