
NJ striped bass bonus permits available only on-line

This program is derived from commercial striped bass landings prior to the state adopting a no-sale law.

Anglers wishing to participate in the New Jersey Striped Bass Bonus Program must apply on-line. They can do so by visiting the New Jersey Fish and Wildlife web site,> . The permit must be signed immediately, and entitles the angler to retain a third striper of 28 inches or more in addition to the daily two at 28 inches he’s allowed. The permit must be filled out upon capture of the third striper, and prior to transportation. The permit catch then must be reported on-line to> . A $2 fee will be charged to receive a replacement permit. This program is derived from commercial striped bass landings prior to the state adopting a no-sale law. The New Jersey quota is presently 321,750 pounds, but it’s never been filled. That surplus constitutes a conservation bonus that would otherwise be lost to netters in commercial states if put back into the total commercial quota pool.
