What is it that makes the Salt Water Sportsman NationalSeminar Series so popular? The answer is simple: information.We’re talking an incredible amount of information, delivered bythe most respected fishermen in the nation. And when it comesto supporting that information with detailed slides, diagrams,videos and on-stage demonstrations, the program can’t be matched.That’s why it’s the nation’s leading educational course on recreationalmarine fishing.
Now entering its 14th year, the Seminar Series willagain be hosted by SWS Senior Editor George Poveromo. A nationallyrecognized fishing authority, Poveromo will be joined at eachlocation by fellow SWS staffers, among them Spider Andresen, BarryGibson, John Brownlee, Rip Cunningham, Al Ristori, Pete Cooper,Jr., and Robert Sloan, as well as acclaimed fishing pros suchas Harry Vernon III, Dave Workman, Jr., Mark Nichols, Dr. MitchellRoffer, Don Hammond and Captain John T. Pirie.

As mentioned, informative slides, diagrams and videoclips help reinforce the subject being discussed on stage. Image-magnificationallows the audience to view detailed fishing charts, step-by-steprigging instructions, lures, baits, knots and more on a pair of10- by 10- foot screens that share the stage with the instructors.
Catering to anglers of all experience levels, eachsession begins with some fundamentals to help newcomers establisha foundation. The session then progresses to an intermediate level,and concludes with several advanced lessons. There’s somethingfor everyone – even highly experienced fishermen will pick upa few tips.

The best bargain in sport fishing, a ticket is just$45. For less than what it takes to buy ice and bait, you’ll receivesix hours of instruction from the pros in your region, a comprehensivetextbook, a one-year subscription or extension to Salt Water Sportsman,one Roffer’s Offshore Ocean Fishing Forecast Analysis and chancesto win valuable door prizes. The Grand Prize at each locationis a fishing vacation to the Bahamas Kamalame Cay resort. TheSuper Grand Prize, to be awarded two weeks afer the conclusionof the series, is Mako Marine’s new 171 Center Console poweredby a 115-hp Evinrude Outboard with FICHT Ram Injection. This specialSeminar Series Edition is equipped by our seminar sponsors andincludes a FLOAT-ON trailer.
Attendance at a National Seminar Series event means you’re automatically entered in a drawing for a Mako Marine 171 center console equipped with a 115-horsepower Evinrude outboard with FICHT Ram Injection and a FLOAT-ON trailer.

Order tickets in advance, as many shows sell out.To pay with Visa, MasterCard and American Express, call (800)448-7360. To pay with a check or money order, write to OutdoorAssociates, Inc., 9930 N.W. 59th Court, Parkland, Florida, 33076.For additional information, see the ad in this issue, or visitthe web site, www.nationalseminarseries.com. See you at the show!
### NATIONAL SESSIONS WILL FOCUS ON:Getting the most out of fishing artificial lures(inshore and offshore); how to design an effective terminal tacklesystem; coaxing stubborn fish to strike; how to use electronicsto locate productive bottom and game fish; subsurface trollingtactics; how weather patterns affect fishing, and what you cando about it counter back; keeping track of migrating fish; chummingtactics; fish habits; and how to hook and fight game fish on lighttackle. |
Here’s the instruction you can expect in each area:
Virginia Beach, VA
(January 6)
Live-baiting for trophy striped bass; how to catchtrophy striped bass on artificials; trolling for striped bass;chunking for striped bass; refined flounder tactics; scoring aroundinlets, jetties and beaches; successful bottom and wreck fishing(tautog, spadefish, spot and sea bass); how to catch speckledand gray trout; hot methods for catching yellowfin and bluefintuna; can’t-miss dolphin tactics; sub-surface offshore trollingfor tuna and wahoo; how to mix and troll natural baits and lures;how to troll for marlin; new methods that take offshore game fish;how to excite and catch stubborn cobia; how to locate and catchcobia when they’re scarce; cobia on the beach; kite fishing tactics;how to catch big drum; light-tackle fishing for red and blackdrum; how to chum like the pros (inshore and offshore); Spanishmackerel on light tackle; live-baiting for king mackerel; chummingand trolling for sharks.
Houston, TX
(Jan. 13)
Taking trophy trout on lures; live-baiting for trout;taking trout at night; redfish on the flats; fishing the passesand Gulf for trophy redfish; chumming for redfish; secrets tofishing Galveston Bay; live-bait tournament tactics for king mackerel;king mackerel on dead-bait and artificials; chumming for kingmackerel; live-bait kite fishing; where and how to single outtrophy red snapper; bottom fishing secrets; how to consistentlylocate ling; hot tactics for ling; tarpon strategies; light tackle,winter blackfin tuna tactics; spoon fishing for tuna; fishingthe shrimp boats; wire-line trolling for king mackerel, wahooand grouper; offshore chumming secrets for tunas, dolphin andwahoo; light-tackle coastal variety fishing; and offshore trollingstrategies.
New Orleans, LA
(Jan. 20)
Catching bull redfish at the passes; taking bullredfish on light tackle and artificials; redfish the easy way;wading for redfish; variety fishing near the passes and jetties;flounder by the numbers; targeting trophy trout; taking trouton lures; live-baiting for trout; trophy jacks on casting tackleand artificials; how to locate and catch cobia off Louisiana;live-bait king mackerel tournament tactics; chumming for kingmackerel; jigging and trolling artificials for king mackerel;no-nonsense bottom-fishing tactics; trolling for wahoo; chunkingfor yellowfin tuna; spooning for yellowfin and blackfin tuna;live-baiting for tuna and wahoo; successful offshore trollingtactics; wire-line trolling for king mackerel, wahooand grouper; inshore and offshore chumming; plus comprehensivesessions on fishing the entire Delta from Barataria Bay to Venice,Breton Sound and Grand Isle.
(Jan. 27)
Tournament tricks for catchingtrophy king mackerel; fun-fishing for king mackerel on light tackle;trolling dead bait and artificials for king mackerel; sure-firepompano tactics; light-tackle opportunity fishing for bonito,cobia, tripletail and Spanish mackerel; catch more and biggergrouper; live-baiting for bottom fish; how to consistently catchmangrove snapper; targeting permit on the beaches and wrecks;beachfront tarpon fishing; river fishing for tarpon; snook onthe beaches; catching snook on the flats; chum fishing for snook;probing the inshore bridges for snook; how and where to catchtrophy snook; speckled trout by the numbers; nighttime monstertrout tactics; chunking for redfish; taking redfish year-round;successful deep water redfish tactics; artificial lure fishingfor trout, redfish, tarpon and snook; kite fishing; secrets forsuccessful chumming (inshore and offshore); how to read and fishthe offshore waters (locating the Loop Currents, thermal breaks,warm water fingers and structure for wahoo, sailfish and dolphin);and how to troll offshore.
(Feb. 3)
No-nonsense artificial lure fishing for trout andred drum; red drum on the flats; fishing the inlets for trophyred drum; taking trophy trout; live-baiting for trout; how toscore inshore year-round; secrets for scoring more sheepshead;trolling and drifting dead baits and artificials for king mackerel;refined live-bait tactics for trophy king mackerel; sure-fireflounder tricks; light-tackle fishing for Spanish mackerel; howto chum up Spanish mackerel; bonito on light tackle; how and whereto catch more snapper and grouper; bottom-fishing tricks; fishingthe artificial reefs and wrecks; how to catch tarpon and cobia;variety fishing in the inlets; catching live bait; new methodsfor catching yellowfin tuna; spooning for tuna; jigging for wahoo;successful offshore trolling tactics; kite fishing; and dolphinthe easy way.
(Feb. 10)
Reading and fishing theGulf Stream (water temperature, color changes, rips and slicks,plus how to locate and fish the Stream’s eastern edge); how andwhere to catch live bait; targeting big grouper and snapper; refinedbottom-fishing tactics; reading and fishing the reefs; cobia onthe beach and wrecks; snook on light tackle; catching snook inthe inlets and around ICW bridges; catching monster snook at night;fishing the mullet run; catching tarpon in the inlets and ICW;secrets of fishing Hobe Sound and the ICW; inshore and inlet varietyfishing (ladyfish, jack crevalle, gray snapper, permit, cobiaand bull redfish); refined live-bait tactics; how to catch moresailfish; kite fishing; targeting big king mackerel; live-baittrolling in the Gulf Stream (wahoo, dolphin, sailfish and marlin);Spanish mackerel and bonito on ultra-light tackle; chumming secretsfor king and Spanish mackerel; advanced dolphin tactics; how torun-and-gun offshore; effective offshore trolling strategies withdead bait and artificials; and wire-line trolling for monstergrouper and wahoo.
(Feb. 24)
How to score nearinlets and jetties; red drum the easy way; flounder by the numbers;foolproof Spanish mack tactics; targeting trophy trout; light-tackle/artificial-lurefishing for red drum and speckled trout; advanced lure-fishingtricks for inshore and coastal game fish; sheepshead by the numbers;light-tackle fishing for Spanish mackerel; chumming for Spanishmackerel; gearing up for king mackerel; refined live-bait fishingfor trophy king mackerel; catching king mackerel on dead baitand artificials; king mackerel chumming strategies; stalking cobia;catching tarpon; bottom fishing; reading and fishing the GulfStream (locating water surface temperature breaks, color changes,rips and slicks); spooning for tuna; refined offshore trollingtactics; subsurface trolling tactics; jigging for wahoo; how toisolate and catch bigger dolphin; how to raise billfish like thepros.
(March 3)
Diamond-jigging for striped bass and bluefish; chunkingfor big striped bass; live-baiting tactics that take more andbigger striped bass; catching striped bass on top; inshore wire-linetechniques; targeting trophy fluke; how and where to catch flukeby the numbers; secrets for catching big blackfish; can’t-missblackfish tactics; how to locate and set up on productive bottom(for blackfish, fluke and striped bass); chumming and chunkingfor bonito and false albacore in Long Island Sound; no-nonsenseweakfish tactics; how and where to locate weakfish; bluefish onsurface lures; targeting jumbo blues; how to choose, rig and fishthe most productive Long Island Sound artificials; how to findand use temperature breaks to your advantage; trolling for sharks;light-tackle shark fishing; strategies that produce more and largermakos; can’t-miss tuna-trolling patterns; chunking for tunas;live-baiting for tunas, and offshore kite fishing, plus comprehensivesessions on fishing the Hudson and Housatonic Rivers.