The new Zercom LPG (LiquidPaper Graph) is a state-of-the-art, high-resolution fishfinderthat provides highly detailed sonar images on a 320-by-240-pixelLCD screen. This dual-beam sonar yields excellent bottom detailand records fish targets as arches, just like the old paper-chartrecorders used to! The LPG features simple rotary controls withall functions accessed through four knobs. One knob selects theoperation mode, and a large rotary gain-control knob adjusts sensitivity.The LPG operates at 250 kHz, so it can be used simultaneouslywith other fishfinders. Additional features include a split-screenReal Time Sonar display, digital depth display, a shallow-wateralarm, and speed and temperature indicators. The unit is completelywaterproof and includes a high-speed transom transducer_. TechsonicIndustries, (800) 747-9329;