Northstar’s 962 is a color GPS/ Raster Charting System that comes with sophisticated and powerful features like OverZoom, which allows you to magnify an area of the chart 2, 4 or 8 times beyond the original scale of the paper chart. ClearZoom provides improved legibility when the chart is zoomed out to view a larger geographic area.
The 962 also features a 12-parallel-channel GPS receiver and Northstar’s internal dual-channel differential receiver for accuracy to within 3 meters. It stores up to 2,000 waypoints and 1,000 routes, and displays 24-hour tides and currents for the entire U.S. The optional Northstar 490 Echosounder option adds a full-function, 1,000- watt-RMS, dual-frequency video sounder to the 962. Northstar Technologies, Acton, MA; (800) 628-4487; www.northstargps.com