The IC-M1V is the smallest and lightest handheld VHF available today. Besides being waterproof,Icom’s newest radio is also the first marine VHF handheld to offera Lithium Ion battery, allowing boaters to enjoy 12 to 14 hoursof operation without recharging — twice as long as most NiCdbatteries. What’s more, the Lithium Ion battery can store a chargemore than three times longer than a typical NiCd. Offering fivewatts of talk power, the IC-M1V was designed with an extra largeLCD display to make reading channel numbers easier. And with upto ten alphanumeric characters per channel, it’s easy to customizechannel descriptions. Suggested retail price is $463. IcomAmerica, Bellevue, WA; (425) 454-8155.