The brand-new SmartCast from Humminbird is a wireless, portable fishfinder for shore and boat fishermen. Thanks to the revolutionary remote sonar sensor/transducer, anglers now view bottom features and fish readings out to 100 feet from their position – without spooking their quarry or risking boat damage. The waterproof sensor is designed to be cast out on a standard fishing outfit, after which it beams sonar signals back to the portable display station. Long-life batteries and automatic shut-off allow the sensor to function for 400 hours (replacement sensors are $20). The waterproof display unit has a 128-by-64-pixel screen and features fish ID, depth range, fish alarm, sensitivity and screen backlighting. Anglers can use the SmartCast system to investigate shoreline structure, channels, weed lines and more. Suggested retail price is around $169. Techsonic Industries, Eufala, AL; (334) 687-6613; www.humminbird.com.

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