The gplink surface vessel management system, previously only accessible by large fleets, military and commercial vessels, is now available to provide all Caterpillar-powered boats with a real-time vessel monitoring and support system. gplink protects a boat while away from or at the dock by monitoring engines and onboard critical systems, including bilge levels, fire alarms, low batteries, power interruption and engine diagnostic codes – all while tracking the precise location of a boat anywhere in the world. gplink utilizes dual-band technology with GSM communications, as well as the Iridium satellite system for location tracking, monitoring, emergency notification and communication. gplink uses both of these extensive networks to provide worldwide coverage and ensure that connections are not only reliable, but affordable as well. Through the gplink secure Internet interface at gplink.com, the location and status of a vessel are accessible anytime from any location. Certified CAT technicians monitor routine, as well as unexpected, maintenance needs and provide immediate technical assistance in the event of a problem.
For more information, contact gplink at 252-504-5166, or visit www.gplink.com.