The DistresS.O.S. is a visual distress signal that ACR refers to as a “flameless flare.” It is non-flammable, buoyant and battery-powered, and is also USCG compliant. It automatically flashes S.O.S., the international Morse Code for distress, and maintains over 50,000 candelas of intensity after 6 hours of continuous use. (A typical handheld flare has 500 to 700 candelas.)
The DistresS.O.S. is visible from a distance of over 22 nautical miles, and operates on 4 D-size alkaline batteries. It can be turned on and off, so you only need to use it when a rescue ship or aircraft is spotted. ACR Electronics, Ft. Lauderdale, FL; (954) 981-3333; www.acrelectronics.com