Hello, all you winter wonderland fishermen and women. Mother Nature is testing our will to hold out for warmer weather, isn’t she? We’re dealing with some of the coldest water that I can remember. On February 20th I checked the surface temperature in Pensacola bay at 44 degrees! I’ve never seen it that cold before.
The water clarity is getting better. Now that the days are getting longer by a couple of minutes every day, it won’t be long before we’re set up for a very productive early spring fishery that is second to none here in our little piece of paradise along the Northwest Panhandle of Florida.
Right now we have the Sheepshead fishing to look forward to. On one of my most recent fishing excursion we loaded up on the Sheepshead. We put all the fish my clients wanted to keep in the cooler with ease, along with two slot Red Fish. We also were able to round up six oversized Bull Reds out on the beach. This made a very good day for my guests that were here from upstate N.Y.
There was a four pound Pompano weighed in at Gulf Breeze Bait & Tackle last week, which is a very good sign. This tells me that the fish are anxious to get here also.
Oh Yea, the biggest hype around here is the return of the COBIA!!!! I think it was March seventeenth last year when the first fish was reported caught. I don’t think it will be that early this year due to the abnormally cold weather we’re having. I’ll put my money on March twenty-sixth this year.
I still have plenty of day open for Spring Break fishing; give me a call if you need anything.
Capt. Eddie