Today we were joined by Jeff Bryan of Winston-Salem, NC alongside his brother, Ned Bryan from Greensboro, NC and David Breece with his son Jacob from High Point, NC on a bottom fish expedition.
Soon after pulling up at the first stops Capt. Butch positioned the Yeah Right and a few “knot head” Black Sea Bass began to come in. The current was running pretty strong and we began to play with anchoring versus drifting to see which would be more productive, Finally after trying both of these methods Capt. Butch decided that the best method would be for him to get on top of the small schools of fish (they were very scattered today) and hold the boat’s position with the engines.
This proved effective and the crew ended up with several limits of nice Black Bass, a few Silver Snapper, Grey Snapper, and Vermillion Snapper. David even brought a nice 5 foot long Lemon Shark boatside but everyone opted to release him to swim another day.
Saw 5 Wahoo that were caught in the Gulfstream today at the dock, I was told that there was a big school of them moving through and these 5 were the lucky ones that hit a bait. Also heard of a few Speckled Trout still hanging out in the creeks along with a few Flounder starting to show up.
The fish are here and are hungry! All that’s missing is you on the beautiful ocean bringin’ them home!
Looks like the wind is going to blow a couple of days, but as soon as it lets up we’ll be out there again!
Til next time,
Capt’s. Butch and Chris Foster