The Adopt-A-Billfish Program visited the Los Sue¿os Resort in Costa Rica and tagged ten Pacific sailfish in three days of fishing. Biologists David Holts and Derke Snodgrass from the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) set the satellite tags to release and transmit their information in 30, 40 or 60 days. The tags will provide valuable information about billfish movements in the eastern Pacific. The team was joined by Ed Moody and Lisa Meloni from Costa Del Mar sunglasses. Costa Del Mar sponsored the trip’s first tag, which was attached to Meloni’s 55-pound sailfish. The program will continue in Guatemala, immediately following the Presidential Challenge of Central America Tournament in mid-November. The tagging program is a joint effort between the University of Miami Rosenstiel School, NMFS, The Billfish Foundation and the Presidential Challenge. For more information, visit