
Two Great Resources on Saltwater Fly Tying

Both Introduction to Saltwater Fly Tying and The Fly Tying Techniques of Bob Clouser and Lefty Kreh provide a foundation for developing basic skills, along with a wealth of information that even seasoned tiers will find useful.

Like so many people, I learned to tie flies by reading a basic how-to manual containing a half-dozen or so popular trout patterns. When I eventually became interested in tying saltwater flies, it was a matter of trial and error using the few books and magazine articles I could find on the subject. Fortunately for today’s aspiring saltwater fly tier, several new resources are available. Both Introduction to Saltwater Fly Tying and The Fly Tying Techniques of Bob Clouser and Lefty Kreh provide a foundation for developing basic skills, along with a wealth of information that even seasoned tiers will find useful.

  Over the past three decades, many books and videos about various aspects of saltwater tying have been published. Only now, however, has an actual “introduction” been produced. Introduction to Saltwater Fly Tying, the first book by veteran tier and fly-angler Scott Sanchez, makes an impressive foray into covering the intricacies and many variations involved in the craft. Sanchez opens with an overview of the tools, materials and skills used in saltwater fly tying. He continues to build on this foundation by giving systematic instructions for several basic pattern styles, including streamer, crustacean, popper, epoxy and deer-hair flies.
Although it’s not meant as a complete encyclopedia of saltwater fly tying, this volume does a commendable job of introducing much of the pertinent information to help someone get started.

| The Fly Tying Techniques of Bob Clouser and Lefty Kreh is the DVD release of the 1996 Masters of Fly Tying video series. The Clouser Deep Minnow and Lefty’s Deceiver are two of the most successful saltwater patterns ever created, and the DVD format of this classic video creates the feeling that these two veterans are giving you private lessons in your home. From concepts as simple as properly inserting a hook into a vise to advanced techniques like whip-finishing, Clouser and Kreh impart their combined fly-tying wisdom from five decades of experience. Finally, the viewer gets step-by-step instructions for tying the Clouser Deep Minnow and Lefty’s Deceiver from their respective namesakes.| | If you don’t tie your own flies, I encourage you to add a new dimension to your fly-fishing experience by learning how. If you do tie, you can vastly improve your skills by learning the tips and tricks these experts offer. |
