
Submit a Photo

Readers of Fly Fishing in Salt Waters can submit their own photos to the magazine for potential publication in print or on the web.

Fly Fishing in Salt Waters wants your best fly fishing photos. Think bigger than your own Facebook page. The images you take fishing on your favorite salt waters or remote locations could end up in the pages of Fly Fishing in Salt Waters or on our website. This time of year we want to see your bluefish and striper shots! One lucky winner will even receive a weight-forward, 12-weight fly line from Scientific Anglers.

Send us your best hold ups (grip-and-grins), release shots, scenic shots, fly photos, and fights during the battle to

Send digital photo files that are at least 500 KB large.


That means most point and shoot cameras, and even smart phones, should be OK. Make sure cell phone images are sent to us in the Actual Size or Original format—that’s the highest resolution available. Obviously, anything shot with a DSLR camera is a large enough image to print.

Tip: Make sure that your email program isn’t shrinking your photos to a thumbnail size automatically when sending photos to us.

**Send your photos to: **


_If you send us pictures, we ask that you don’t send the same images elsewhere. At Fly Fishing in Salt Waters, we want original content that can’t be seen everywhere. Please include with your images caption information that gives: 1) the name of the angler, 2) species of fish, 3) best weight guesstimate, 4) fly and tackle used, 5) location, and 6) time of year. If you submit a fly photo, tell us what you’ve named your original creation, what materials were used, and basic steps to tying the fly. _
