As mentioned, Powell, Sage and Winston all offer a complete range of five-piece saltwater rods from 8- through 12-weight. Winston, in fact, started the five-piece trend in saltwater with the introduction of its BL-5 series of rods in 1997. That series has been expanded to include eight models in 8-, 9-, 10- and 12-weight (plus four additional models in 5-, 6- and 7-weight). The BL-5 is a rather unique saltwater rod, in that it has a light tip (to appeal to Winston traditionalists) and a stiff butt for fighting and lifting fish.
Sage, a longtime leader in saltwater rods with its original RPLX and now RPLXi models, has added four five-piece rods (in 8-, 9-, 10- and 12-weight) for 2001. Powell, expanding on the success of its AXS Series, has added four five-piece models in these same line weights.
Hardy offers a five-piece 9-foot, 8-weight rod. Thomas & Thomas has a six-piece 8-weight in its Vector series, and Orvis has just introduced a seven-piece 9-foot, 8-weight in its Trident TL series.
All of the above rods cost over $600 ¿-not an insignificant amount. There are lower-cost options, some of which have surprisingly nice actions. Redington has included an 8-weight model in its five-piece Wayfarer series for under $200. Cortland has a 9-foot, six-piece 8-weight for just under $160. And Cabela¿’ has a five-piece 8-weight rod in its Stowaway series for under $80!