The weather over the last couple of days has been great. the wind and waves subsided for the most part and the inshore water is looking as good as it has for quite some time. jaja on the Fly Lance Peterson reported enthusiastically: “I fished the beach hard yesterday (4/29), starting to the south and working my way back to La Capilla. I walked a few miles of the beach and found few if any gamefish and very little bait for the most part, only small scattered schools of mullet and some decent gatherings of ballyhoo. I eventually spotted a pair of small jack crevalles but could not get them to eat. Josh and Captain Juan on the panga Mosca have been working the inshore water with clients Phil Bryna and Al Tiggert, visiting from Anchorage. They have had a few roosters come up to the teasers and put on a good show. While the fish have not been numerous, they were enough to fire up these two hard fishing Alaskans. Both guys have hit the beach unti sundown after their boat trips every day this week. Phil was even rewarded with his first rooster on fly. Yes, persistence pays off when it comes to roosterfish. they are already talking about a return trip in June to continue their quest for the elusive pez gallo.