
Video: Fly Fishing Guanaja Honduras

This pristine flats fishery in the Caribbean is a top destination for permit and bonefish fly fishers.

You’ve probably never heard of Guanaja until now. This island is part of the Bay Islands off Honduras, and is home to some of the best permit and bonefish flats in the world. It’s a remote area, with little amenities, but opportunity abounds for bonefish, permit, tarpon, snook, jacks, barracuda, sharks, snappers, and triggerfish.

In the past, Fly Fishing in Salt Waters has reported on nearby islands, including Roaton, for its exceptional bonefishery in the winter months. Roatán, located between the islands of Útila and Guanaja, is the largest of Honduras’ Bay Islands.

Below, check out this video of the exceptional permit fishing that Guanaja has to offer:
