salmon wash change
Washington anglers are allowed to keep both wild and hatchery coho salmon in ocean waters following a revision of bag limits as of Sunday, September 1 in Marine Area 1, off Ilwaco, and starting September 6 in Marine Area 2, off Westport.
These changes will not affect ocean salmon fisheries off LaPush (Marine Area 3) and Neah Bay (Marine Area 4), where anglers may retain hatchery coho, but must release wild coho.
Anglers in all Marine Areas were initially limited to keeping only hatchery coho, identified by their clipped adipose fin.
A two-fish per angler per day limit is in effect in all marine areas, but chinook must be released in that part of Marine Area 4 east of the Bonilla-Tatoosh Line. Anglers in marine areas 3 and 4 are allowed two additional pink salmon as part of their daily bag.
The wild coho restriction was relaxed in response to high remaining quota in Marine Areas 1 and 2, where with a month left in the season, only 49 percent and 48 percent, respectively, has been landed.
“With slightly less than half of the coho catch quota remaining in each of those two marine areas this late in the season, we can allow anglers to keep both hatchery and wild coho without exceeding our conservation objectives for wild salmon,” explained Doug Milward, ocean salmon manager for the Washington Department of Fish and
All areas are open to salmon fishing seven days a week through September 22 in Marine Areas 3 and 4, and through Sept. 30 in Marine Areas 1 and 2.
For information on size limits and area catch guidelines and updates go to http://wdfw.wa.gov/ .