Northwest fresh water fishermen are already familiar with the Tomic name, as these unique plugs have been used for years to take muskellunge and pike in chilly Canadian climes. Now Phredd’s Trading Company is marketing Tomic Lures on the East Coast, where they are proving effective on stripers, bluefish, seatrout, tarpon and many other species. These plastic-bodied lures are designed float at rest, yet swim below the surface when trolled or retrieved. A great casting lure that exhibits a wiggling action, Tomics perform well at a variety of speeds and are ideal for working the upper 10 feet of the water column. They can also be trolled off downriggers, planers and wire line with good results. Tomics are available in a wide range of colors and sizes, in jointed and full-bodied versions, all equipped with salt water hooks. Phredd’s Trading Company, Virginia Beach, VA; (757) 425-0131; www.phredds.com.