
Tying the Thin Lizzy

Tying the Thin Lizzy

Tying the Thin Lizzy

STEP 1: Secure bead-chain eyes just behind the eye of the hook. Leave space for a head. Double over a short piece of lead wire, and use pliers to flatten the ends and midsection to keep it from rolling. Make these wraps on the same side as the bead-chain eyes, which will end up under the fly. Coat wraps with head cement to secure.
Tying the Thin Lizzy

Tying the Thin Lizzy

STEP 2: Tie in a section of extra-select craft fur at the bend of the hook, and use a brown permanent marker to create bars.
Tying the Thin Lizzy

Tying the Thin Lizzy

STEP 3: Invert the hook in the vise, and add one short, tapered section of craft fur on each side and the top to fill in the tail section (almost like you’re creating a collar).
Tying the Thin Lizzy

Tying the Thin Lizzy

STEP 4: Add one grizzly soft hackle on each side of the fly. Splay the feathers to represent gills.
Tying the Thin Lizzy

Tying the Thin Lizzy

STEP 5: Attach short sections of EP Fibers on the top and sides of the hook shank, and work toward the eyes. Once you tie one in, press down with your thumb to splay the fibers. Be sure to taper the ends prior to tying in.
Tying the Thin Lizzy

Tying the Thin Lizzy

STEP 6: Add the last section of EP Fibers on top. Trim the hair, and add bars with a permanent marker. Secure the head wraps with Tuffleye or epoxy, and add another bead under the body if you want extra durability.