
Monster Florida Reds

Monster Florida Reds

Monster Florida Reds

I spent a couple days with captains Nick Sassic (pictured here) and Scott MacCalla, tracking redfish around their east-central Florida haunts. -Mike Mazur
Monster Florida Reds

Monster Florida Reds

This region is one of the state’s great shallow-water fisheries that is…
Monster Florida Reds

Monster Florida Reds

…bustling with life and baitfish, like these mullets fleeing a marauding school of jacks!
Monster Florida Reds

Monster Florida Reds

Crab patterns are a staple on the flats here, as are…
Monster Florida Reds

Monster Florida Reds

…baitfish patterns from time to time, such as this Half and Half.
Monster Florida Reds

Monster Florida Reds

Redfish of all sizes swim these waters. There are lots of little guys, like this one Nick is releasing, as well as…
Monster Florida Reds

Monster Florida Reds

…enough monsters to keep you on your toes! Fish like this don’t always come easy but, at times, they can be had.
Monster Florida Reds

Monster Florida Reds

A smallish red goes back into the waters here, while…
Monster Florida Reds

Monster Florida Reds

…Nick gently releases yet another whopper.
Monster Florida Reds

Monster Florida Reds

Looking into the eyes of a huge redfish always invokes thrills, and…
Monster Florida Reds

Monster Florida Reds

…watching it shake its massive head underwater can be a surreal experience!
Monster Florida Reds

Monster Florida Reds

The Half and Half got the job done, and…
Monster Florida Reds

Monster Florida Reds

…here’s the prize for the boys! A huge east-central Florida red!