Back Burner
I do a lot of wade fishing in the fall and winter months, but during cold snaps I’m not always as warm as I’d like to be, even if I put on heavier clothes under my chest waders. I found that wearing a ThermaCare heat wrap around my lower back under my shirt keeps my core body temperature warm no matter how cold it gets. The wrap doesn’t restrict movement and allows me to focus on catching fish instead of getting rid of the chills. — Frank L. Harwell,
Jackson, AlabamaEd Luterio
Sportsman’s Tips – February 2007
I never knew what to do with all those free software CDs I get in the mail, until one day I realized that the disks are probably highly reflective in the water. That’s when I began using them to make trolling teasers. Just take a length of 150-pound leader, tie an overhand knot in the line, slide on a two-ounce egg sinker and then a CD. I usually put three or four disks on the line at various distances. Then I’ll add an unrigged bait or lure behind the disks and a barrel swivel to the other end of the leader. The CDs create a lot of noise and bubbles in the spread and reflect light in all directions. “”Shawn Sadler,
Cabazon, CaliforniaEd Luterio
Sportsman’s Tips – February 2007
Seal the Deal
Vacuum sealers work great for preserving your catch after a day on the water, but I also use mine to protect and store opened tubes of sealant, such as 3M 5200 Marine Adhesive. These products can be expensive and often dry up after one use. To make sure I get my money’s worth, I vacuum-seal each tube immediately after the first use so it stays fresh. Vacuum-sealing is insurance that I’ll have usable sealant if I need it in a pinch, even months later. — Robert Jordan,
Chesapeake, VirginiaEd Luterio