In case you were wondering, the redfish season in the Apalachicola and St. George Island area is already well under way and should continue to be strong throughout October and November. According to Capt. Chris Robinson, “the reds are getting that belly good and fat with the shrimp and baitfish that are all over our inshore waters.” We are enjoying clearer water conditions than last year at this time, most likely due to the lack of any abundant rainfall.
Capt. Tommy Holland says he has the reds “locked down.” One of the little boys on board his boat this morning nearly lost his battle with a 30-pound redfish!
For those less interested in our plentiful reds and trout, please note that bay anglers are also catching flounder on a regular basis and the spanish mackerel are hitting on the beaches. You may even still see a tarpon or two as the overnight temperature hasn’t had much of an effect on the water temps, but for the most part that season is over and they are now considered an incidental catch.
_Robinson Brothers Guide Service