The recent warm weather has woken the sleepy winter-time reds, the enormous (sometimes 500+ fish) schools are starting to break up into smaller groups, usually by size. Seeing good numbers of tailing fish most days, both around oysters at low tide and up in the grass as tide flows in. Fished Rupert Kuhne and Blane Chocklett (inventor of the Gummy Minnow) monday. Started off with 6 smaller black drum on small crab flies, then got 20 reds to 12lbs on Merkin-type things and Blanes new baitfish experiment (deadly). Tues. had Blane, weather perfect, fish impossible, 60+ shots, 20 appeared perfect, not a bite, went to trusty gulp shrimp and it got refused every time!!! Some days they just will not eat anything!!! Weds Blane and I found fish happier than tues., but very picky and spooky (16ft 10lb leader, #6 shrimp fly), finally found a group of fish tailing in tall grass and Blane got one of 9lbs, a very rewarding fish!!! This weekend should be wonderful with spring tides and fiddler crabs out of hibernation, should be beginning of high tide grass flat fishing!!!